Inner Circle Show Among Top 100 NYC Events
Once again, the Inner Circle Show is ranked among the top 100 events held in the capital of the world, our own New York City. BizBash, the digital and print magazine about event news, ranks our dinner- stage production #3 in the category Political & Diplomatic Events, just behind some other political heavies like the Clinton Global Initiative and the Alfred E. Smith Dinner..
Here’s an excerpt from BizBash explaining how the rankings are determined:
“In a city that hosts a marquee event pretty much every night of the year, ranking the biggest and most influential annual gatherings that take place in New York is probably more difficult than anywhere else. From the giant conventions like Comic Con and Fashion Week to more elite invite-only affairs such as the Clinton Global Initiative, Time 100 Gala, and Wired’s BizCon (a new addition to the list this year), the city’s event calendar has no shortage of star power or impressive attendance figures.
“Now, with burgeoning sectors like the local tech scene catching up to the advertising and entertainment industries that have called the city home for years, the event landscape has become even more diverse. Here’s a look at the 100 annual events that light up New York year after year.
“To choose and rank the annual events on this list, we look at several factors, including economic impact, buzz, innovation, and an event’s prominence within the communities it intends to serve.”
Click here to see the entire list:

Mayor Bill e Blasio and actors portraying New Yorkers in a bar in Williamsburgh, part of mayor’s rebuttal at 2017 Inner Circle Show.
BizBash says they make their choices by looking at such factors as “economic impact, buzz, innovation, and an event’s prominence within the communities it intends to serve.” Other considerations are “crowds, media and donor attention, and important players in their respective fields.” And that’s not even taking into account great writing, jokes, singing and dancing, the mayor, a Broadway show cast, and, oh yeah, the Hilton’s veggie plate.
Congrats to all!