Countdown to Show Night - April 1
“Trumped! de Blasio to the Rescue?” the 2017 Inner Circle Show hits the boards April 1 at our new venue, the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, 52nd St. and 7th Ave.
Tickets are going fast and may still be purchased via this link .
It’s our 95th show and keeping with tradition is a funny musical parody of local and national politics and politicians.
After our Saturday night performance, Mayor Bill de Blasio will respond with his own song, dance and comical skits. Rumors have started about which celebrities and hit Broadway musical cast will join the mayor on stage.
Last year, the audience was treated to the stars of “Hamilton,” and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hilary Rodham Clinton.

The Inner Circle Show is ranked by BizBash as one of New York City’s top 100 events for the past several years. Proceeds are donated to more than 100 local New York City-based charities.